Energy and Environment Daily recently analyzed the probable positions (pdf) of the 100 senators who will debate climate and energy legislation currently pending in the Senate. The following projections are either for a vote on cloture to end debate or on final passage. These positions are based on interviews with key senators, numerous democratic and republican sources, and industry and environmental groups. E&E also factored in previous votes from 2003, 2005, and 2008. This analysis was last updated on July 16.
Names in blue are Democrats, in red are Republican, and in gray are independents.
Yes (35)
- Daniel Akaka (Hawaii)
- Barbara Boxer (Calif.)
- Ben Cardin (Md.)
- Tom Carper (Del.)
- Robert Casey (Pa.)
- Chris Dodd (Conn.)
- Dick Durbin (Ill.)
- Russ Feingold (Wis.)
- Dianne Feinstein (Calif.)
- Al Franken (Minn.)
- Tom Harkin (Iowa)
- Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.)
- Daniel Inouye (Hawaii)
- Ted Kaufman (Del.)
- Ted Kennedy (Mass.)
- John Kerry (Mass.)
- Amy Klobuchar (Minn.)
- Herbert Kohl (Wis.)
- Frank Lautenberg (N.J.)
- Patrick Leahy (Vt.)
- Joe Lieberman (Conn.)
- Robert Menendez (N.J.)
- Jeff Merkley (Ore.)
- Barbara Mikulski (Md.)
- Patty Murray (Wash.)
- Bill Nelson (Fla.)
- Jack Reed (R.I.)
- Harry Reid (Nev.)
- Bernie Sanders (Vt.)
- Charles Schumer (N.Y.)
- Jeanne Shaheen (N.H.)
- Mark Udall (Colo.)
- Tom Udall (N.M.)
- Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.)
- Ron Wyden (Ore.)
Probably Yes (9)
- Max Baucus (Mont.)
- Roland Burris (Ill.)
- Michael Bennet (Colo.)
- Jeff Bingaman (N.M.) *
- Maria Cantwell (Wash.)
- Susan Collins (Maine)
- Kay Hagan (N.C.)
- Olympia Snowe (Maine)
- Mark Warner (Va.)
On the fence (21)
- Evan Bayh (Ind.) *
- Mark Begich (Alaska)
- Sherrod Brown (Ohio) *
- Kent Conrad (N.D.) *
- Byron Dorgan (N.D.) *
- Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
- Judd Gregg (N.H.)
- Tim Johnson (S.D.) *
- Carl Levin (Mich.) *
- Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) *
- Richard Lugar (Ind.)
- Mel Martinez (Fla.)
- John McCain (Ariz.)
- Claire McCaskill (Mo.) *
- Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
- Mark Pryor (Ark.) *
- Jay Rockefeller (W.Va.) *
- Arlen Specter (Pa.)
- Debbie Stabenow (Mich.) *
- Jon Tester (Mont.)
- Jim Webb (Va.) *
Probably No (13)
- Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
- Sam Brownback (Kan.)
- Robert Byrd (W.Va.) *
- Thad Cochran (Miss.)
- Bob Corker (Tenn.)
- Michael Crapo (Idaho)
- Charles Grassley (Iowa)
- Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
- Mary Landrieu (La.)
- Ben Nelson (Neb.) *
- Jim Risch (Idaho)
- John Thune (S.D.)
- George Voinovich (Ohio)
No (22)
- John Barrasso (Wyo.)
- Bob Bennett (Utah)
- Kit Bond (Mo.)
- Jim Bunning (Ky.)
- Richard Burr (N.C.)
- Saxby Chambliss (Ga.)
- Tom Coburn (Okla.)
- John Cornyn (Texas)
- Jim DeMint (S.C.)
- John Ensign (Nev.)
- Michael Enzi (Wyo.)
- Orrin Hatch (Utah)
- Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas)
- James Inhofe (Okla.)
- Mike Johanns (Neb.)
- Jon Kyl (Ariz.)
- Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
- Pat Roberts (Kan.)
- Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
- Richard Shelby (Ala.)
- David Vitter (La.)
- Roger Wicker (Miss.)