Stopping the Oil Leak in the Gulf is Like “Hitting the Lottery”

Dr. Michio Kaku talks to the Today show’s Matt Lauer about BP’s latest effort to “Cut & Cap” the damaged pipe in the Gulf of Mexico and the chances of it working. Dr. Kaku also explains that successfully drilling the relief wells by August is optimistic. Getting it right the first time he said, is like “hitting the lottery.”

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schueneman
Tom is the founder and managing editor of and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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  1. I have a suggestion on how to at least contain and direct the oil in an effort to stop this I just don’t know who to direct it to or after all this time is there someone who really cares all these great minds have not even slowwed this thing down

  2. has a Eco friendly solution to clean up the tragedy British Petroleum has created, please watch the video animation: and pass this along to as many people as you know.

    One person can still make a difference in this world, is that simple interactions have a rippling effect. Each time this gets pass along, the hope in cleaning our planet is passed on.

  3. I suggest using a long tapered cone shaped plug with O rings placed in grooves the last ten feet. Tapered plugs have plugged openings for hundreds of years. Why wouldn’t the same idea work now? After stopping the leak this way, add whatever weights or material you need to keep the plug in. It’s just the old cork in the bottle idea. Isn’t this simple, or am I for suggesting this method?


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