GlobalWarmingisReal contributor Anders Hellum-Alexander wraps-up the climate and environmental news headlines for the past week:
- Politicians in England recant on environmental promises. Environmental support is easier said than done in politics.
- China continues its tour of the globe to grab mineral rights, this time in England.
- A small tablet computer for children in poor rural areas runs off of only 3 watts, that’s less than the light bulbs in your house.
- Fiscal issues are environmental issues and the Occupy Wall St movement highlights the broken nature of money in America. How similar is it to the Arab Spring? Both are a call for justice for the 99% of society.
- An article in National Geographic uses a strange narrative to explain the climate change phenomenon of increased global rainfall. The article says the result of more rainfall is less pollutants in the atmosphere, but also more pollutants on the ground and in our water supply.
- Check out this PR piece from Chevrolet: Their “Carbon Initiatives” program will dedicate money that was created by degrading our environment to protect it from that degradation. (What do you think? – leave a comment and let us know. Is this a green initiative or just greenwash?)
- Oil spill in pristine New Zealand. Its a harsh place to spill oil.
- Advances in technology like cloning will bring us into a future where we can address our environmental issues. Its freaky science though.
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