GlobalWarmingisReal contributor Anders Hellum-Alexander wraps-up the climate and environmental news headlines for the past week:
Coal in the News:
- A small newspaper in Indiana defends the coal industry from more regulation
- Another small newspaper defends coal from the “attacks” of New York Mayor Bloomberg
- Carbon capture and sequestration efforts are already proving to the be the flop that environmentalists said it would be. Without “clean coal” coming to fruition we will continue to pollute our own bodies at epic rates
Oil Spills and Pipelines:
- After a year, a big spill in the Kalamazoo river is not over
- Pipeline construction plans are affected by the fact that oil companies can’t stop spilling their product all over the place.
- Monsanto may have won a couple of weeks ago when the US Government decided to just not regulate certain GMO products, but they are being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for dirty dealings with the goal of maintaining their monopoly of the GM market in America.