The SeaStudios Foundation, based in Monterey California, is a group committed to the idea of, as I’ve called it here at GlobalWarmingisReal, the three-legged stool of positive social change.
That is 1) grassroots action and awareness, 2) business and capital, and 3) government leadership. SeaStudios’ goal is to help engage an “active, globally-minded public with the mindset to support sustained involvement and leadership”.
SeaStudios seeks to accomplish this goal through grassroots and mainstream media platforms including television, online social media, and community events.
One project sponsored and produced through SeaStudios is 14–minute video called Ahead of the Curve: States Lead on Climate Change.
The video outlines how states, despite a lack of leadership at the federal level, are stepping up to the plate to develop innovative policies and plans for addressing climate change and sustainable development. As states and regions come on board with solutions, then eventually the federal government will follow suit.
Along with the video are numerous links to learn more about these issues and contact state leaders to urge them to take (or continue) positive and visionary action to meet the great challenges and opportunities before us.
SeaStudios other projects include Strange Days on Planet Earth (season one and two), produced in partnership with National Geographic, and many other informative and innovative films and documentaries. The idea is to show what is happening in our world while at the same time offering a message of hope; that there is still time to create a livable world for future generations, that with great challenges come great opportunities.
Strange Days on Planet Earth, 2020
Imagine Earth in the year 2020… the world has embarked on a winning path to slow climate change; clean energy use is exploding around the globe; all people have access to clean and fresh water; we are feeding ourselves without compromising the land and sea; life-sustaining eco-systems are being valued and protected…. and for the first time in years, parents are starting to believe their children will inherit a better, safer world. Imagine a healthy planet with healthy humans living on it…
Find out more about the work of SeaStudios’ Strange Days on Planet Earth 2020 project: Strange Days Proposal (pdf)