Renewable Energy: All Eyes Are on China While George Bush Lets USA Greentech Leadership Slip

China overtakes USA in developing a low-carbon economyWhen faced with providing a reason why his administration shuns taking a leadership role dealing with climate change, George Bush will generally let the word China roll out of his mouth with the first sentence or two: Why should we do something when China isn’t doing anything?

Ahh, the sound of leadership!

Well, Mr. President, while you insure that the United States takes a backseat from its usual position of leader, while Congress remains thus far unable to extend the Production Tax Credit for renewable energy development, and while the punditry from the likes of the Wall Street Journal scream like children over the economic devastation that dealing with climate change and creating a new energy economy will bring, China has lapped us.

Sure, they’ve go their problems. Serious problems. But it appears as if they aren’t just sitting on their hands waiting for somebody else to do something about either.

This Friday, The Climate Group, an international non-profit working for the advancement of a low-carbon economy, will release new research in a report called China’s Clean Revolution

It appears that China, as an emerging economic super-power, isn’t weighed down by business as usual and bellyaching from top-heavy, unimaginative, coddled industries constitutionally unwilling and unable to seize the day!

There’s a whole new world out there to take hold of. When did America become so afraid of building a new future (and dominating the the world economy while doing it) that we dare not move for fear that nobody else has? 

The point is moot; while we hide behind Bush’s adolescent petulance, China is blazing a trail.

Key findings in The Climate Group’s report include (quoting from the report):

  • China has recently over-taken the US as the world’s leading emitter of greenhouse gas and will play a key role in solving the climate change challenge facing the world. China’s 1.3 billion population currently accounts for 24 per cent of total global emissions. Although China’s CO2 per capita is still relatively low, should China’s citizens ever emit as much CO2 per capita as Americans now are, China’s total emissions would be roughly equivalent to the entire planet today.
  • Often described as the factory of the world, 23 per cent of China’s CO2 emissions were produced in the manufacture of products for export in 2004, mainly to the developed world. However, it is precisely its ability to manufacture technology in large volumes and at competitive prices that will enable it to dominate the world’s renewable technology market.
  • China is already the leading renewable energy producer in the world in terms of installed generating capacity, with the largest hydro-electric fleet and fifth largest wind power fleet in the world. It plans to double the proportion of renewable energy to 15 per cent by 2020. China has seen investment of USD$12bn in renewable energy – more than than any other country in the world except Germany.
  • China is already a leading manufacturer of solar photo-voltaic technology with 820 megawatts of production by the end of 2007, second only to Japan. Output of solar panels has doubled for each of the last four years. By 2009, China will also become the world’s leading manufacturer of wind turbines, with leading companies Goldwind and Sinovel branching into exports. It is also taking the lead in solar water heaters, energy efficient home appliances, and rechargeable batteries.
  • China leads the world in low carbon transport. China is introducing fuel efficiency standards for cars which are 40 per cent higher than those in the US. 21 million electric bicycles and 1.64 million energy efficient compact cars were sold in 2007. China is the world’s third largest ethanol producer, and by converting an area of marginal land half the size of the UK, it plans to grow 12 million tonnes of low carbon fuel per year by 2020.
  • China is making successful efforts in reducing energy intensity. China has targeted a 20 per cent reduction in energy intensity by 2010, on 2005 levels. Using high efficiency, super critical technology to replace small, inefficient coal plants, China has avoided CO2 emissions of approximately 37.6 million tonnes a year (since 2007). China has set energy efficiency targets for its 1000 largest energy consuming companies.
  • China has a strong and comprehensive low carbon policy framework in place. In addition to an over-arching 20 per cent energy intensity reduction target and a 15 per cent energy reduction target a comprehensive set of complementary regulations have been developed to cover almost every sector of China’s economy. These include fuel economy regulations, mandatory efficiency and labelling standards for home appliances, green car taxes, strict building efficiency design codes, and renewable subsidies.
  • Chinese entrepreneurs are riding a low carbon wave of investment. A low carbon wave has swept up tens of thousands of Chinese companies and created some of China’s most successful business leaders. China’s six largest solar PV manufacturers had a market value of over USD$15bn in July 2008; the market for solar water heaters is worth over USD$2bn a year and is growing at 20 per cent; and the market for electric bicycles (e-bikes) is around USD$6bn.
  • The report highlights the massive investment opportunity that will be created around China’s low carbon development. Returns on energy efficiency improvements often exceed 50 per cent per year, equivalent to a pay-back period of only two years. China is the second largest recipient of sustainable energy investment (USD$12bn) of any other country in the world except Germany. Taking advantage of international markets, China has already become the largest supplier of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) credits in the world which is now funding billions of dollars worth of carbon reductions. It is estimated that China will require a further USD $398bn (USD$33bn per year) to meet its 2020 renewable energy goals.

There is an opportunity before us to rise to the occasion in which we find ourselves. That is the occasion of transforming society, ushering in a new era, solving what would seem insurmountable challenges, and working to grasp a future instead of cling to a past.

And we should do it, not because anyone else is, but simply because it is the smart thing to do, the wise things to do, the correct thing to do, and the right thing to do.

I’m just a little cranky today.

Further Reading:


Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schueneman
Tom is the founder and managing editor of and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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  1. Special Offer for Participating in the
    One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference
    Cairo – Arab Republic of Egypt
    During the period 15, 16 and 17 of October 2008
    At Cairo International Centre for International Conferences

    Persons in Charge: Heads of the Company’s Board of Directors,


    We are honoured to invite you to participate in the One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference.

    Egypt places more emphasis on the future and the world, for upgrading the Arab, African and developing countries to catch up with the world.

    Because of the dangerous rise in petrol and energy prices, the world has started to pay attention 1to generating energy form agricultural yields. However, this has resulted in direct negative effects on food prices and subsequent serious effects on the developing countries.

    Mr. Hosni Mubarak, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, launched an appeal for discontinuing the process of generating energy from agricultural yields, because of its negative effects on food prices and poor countries.

    He has called for utilising alternative renewable sources of energy including nuclear energy, used for peaceful purposes. He also has called for starting a new phase of reform that aims at developing Egypt and the countries of the region.

    Therefore, we had to give priority to renewable sources of energy, generated form natural resources and to make use of them, since they are numerous and renewable as solar energy, the wind, sea waves energies as well as the peaceful nuclear energy.

    Today in the One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference, we call for the participation of all the countries, factories and companies that are concerned with this field in order to exhibit the latest technology, used in this field. We also call them to market this technology in the Arab, African and Middle East countries, so that the world can obtain a clean and safe energy.

    The One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference is regarded as the biggest international event, held in the Middle East. It is the first in its type and the most important event for the year 2008.

    Now, Egypt and all the Arab countries as well as the majority of the world countries are greatly concerned with establishing major projects in wide deserts, and expanding the development projects in the Arab and Middle East countries.

    The Exhibition and Conference is specialised in the following:

    The advanced technology used for producing light cells, generating electricity form the solar energy that is used for lighting, warming and other purposes in the new cities.
    The advanced technology used for generating electricity from sea waves.
    Intelligent light devices, which save power.
    Everything that has to do with the nuclear radiation safety, related to medical, scientific laboratory, nuclear reactors, nuclear dangerous reduction, protecting the workers of this field, protecting the surrounding environment from radiation and achieving the highest level of protection to both the workers and the visitors of the radioactive places.
    Specialised equipments and devices used for detecting nuclear radiation.
    Clothes used for protection form the nuclear radiation.
    Using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
    Utilising the latest technology in drilling for petrol, natural gas and uranium, as main source of energy, using specialised equipments and devices.

    About the One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference:

    Organiser: Expo Centre Egypt International for Exhibition and International Conferences, Cairo, Egypt. It is one of the biggest companies for organising exhibition and international conferences.
    Place: The One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference will be held in Cairo International Centre Nasr City, Cairo. It is one of the biggest international conferences halls in the Middle East. It is a 15- minute drive form Cairo Airport, and lies in downtown Cairo, in one of the most beautiful places in Cairo.
    Exhibition area: the exhibition will be held in a 12 thousand meter square area.
    Exhibition date: 15, 16 and 17 October 2008.
    Deposit and finance account: It will be on account No. ……………Bank of Alexandria, Investment Authority Branch located in the Ministry of Investment building, Salah Salem St., Cairo, Egypt.
    Custom and importing regulation: there is a custom division related to Cairo International Centre for Conferences, in the same place of the exhibition and conference to facilitate procedures to the exhibitors.

    Benefits of participating in the One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference:

    The participation of many countries from all around the world in the Exhibition and Conference.
    Inviting all the competing ministries of the Arab, Middle East, European and African countries to attend the conference, visiting the exhibition and signing agreements and contracts with your company, as well as to be introduced to your latest production in this field.
    The participation of more than 100 visitors from the Arab, Middle East and all around the world in order to benefit from the up-to-date technology in that field. This creates chances to make deals and transactions with the exhibiting countries and companies.
    Egypt’s geographical location in the heart of the Middle East region facilitates the attendance of a large number of officials and business men from all the Arab and Middle East countries.
    A 26X19 cm page of the exhibition and conference booklet, free of charge, is dedicated to your company to write all the required information about your company its products. The booklet will be distributed to all the visitors.
    Inviting all the ambassadors of all the world countries, and all the interested persons to attend the exhibition and conference to have an access to your services and products.
    Advertising your company through all the displaying monitors, spread out in the exhibition halls, free of charge.
    Attending the party of honouring the participating companies, and distributing Thank-You cards of evaluation and souvenirs.

    Therefore, Egypt had to hold an international exhibition and conference attended by companies from all around the globe. These companies are specialised in generating renewable energy form the sun, the wind, sea waves, and are interested in the peaceful uses of the nuclear energy.

    Charges of participating in the One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference:

    The smallest exhibition area is 30 meter square.
    The price of the meter square is $220, including carpet outfit, aluminium and decorated wood sections, 6 spotlights, 1 table, 2 chairs and a 220 volt electricity source.
    When adding meters more than the 30 meters, a value of $220 will be added to the total rent value.

    Total rent value, required for 30 meter square exhibition area is $6600, including the following:

    Using a furnished 30 meter square and attending the conference for free.
    Placing your company name in your area.
    Daily lunch, for three days starting from October 15 until October 17, 2008.
    A 26X19 cm page of the exhibition and conference booklet, free of charge, is granted to your company to be written within all the information related to your company.
    Advertising your company through all the displaying monitors, spread out in the exhibition halls.
    Free of charge transportation from the airport to hotel and back from the hotel to the airport.
    Residence in a five stars hotel, one room with two beds and breakfast.
    Attending the party of honouring the participating companies, and distributing certificates of evaluation.

    In case of participating in the conference only, without the exhibition, the value will be $2000.

    Participating in the One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference

    Cairo International Conferences Centre, Egypt

    Basic exhibitor information:

    Kindly fill the application carefully and forward it, to be a participant of the exhibition and conference.

    Company name: ………………………..
    Company address: ……………………..
    E mail: …………………………………..
    Fax: ………………………………………
    Phone Numbers: ………………………..
    Name of the official in charge: …………
    Factory or company registry No.: …….
    Exporter: …………….. Importer: …………… Factory or producer: ……….

    Rent charges:

    The price of the meter square is $220, including carpet outfit, aluminium and decorated wood sections, 6 spotlights, 1 table, 2 chairs and a 220 volt electricity source.
    The smallest exhibition area is 30 meter square.
    When adding meters more than the 30 meters, a value of $220 will be added to the total rent value.

    Method of payment:
    Through a bank order to the account of Expo Centre Egypt International for international exhibitions and conferences, account No. ………… Bank of Alexandria, investment Authority branch located in the Ministry of Investment building, Salah Salem St., Cairo, Egypt.
    Through a bank check of a payable check to the Expo Centre Egypt International.

    I hereby acknowledge and shall be committed to the general rules of participating in the One World Common Future Exhibition and International Conference, and to the methods of payment, and shall present this application form.

    Cancellation of participation shall not be allowed after concluding the application.

    Signature of the person in charge and applicant



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