Making noise on global warming – Boston Globe
21 Dec 2006 at 4:36am
Making noise on
global warming
Boston Globe, United States –
15 hours ago
that matter." There are few matters of international importance that could have more dire consequences than being silent about the dangers of
global warming
CO2 and alarmism
The Independent Institute
all 3 news articles
Consensus about global warming calls for action –
21 Dec 2006 at 5:34am
New York Times
Consensus about
global warming
calls for action, IA –
14 hours ago
Global warming
is a manifestation of our addiction to oil and consumption of fossil fuels. Our planet grows warmer because of a
Big Profits, And Problems, In Effort To Cut Emissions
Free Internet Press
Big Profits, and Questions, in Effort to Cut Emissions
New York Times
The planet in peril
The Daily Star
Wilmington Morning Star
all 13 news articles
Nation named to state panel on global warming gases (Marin Independent Journal)
21 Dec 2006 at 8:17pm
Joe Nation of San Rafael has left the Assembly, but he will play a key role in the implementation of AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act, which requires the state to cut greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020.
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