Environmental News: Grist Environmental News

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Hazardous-waste plant explosion forces evacuations in Apex, N.C.
6 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
An explosion at a hazardous-waste disposal plant in Apex, N.C., late last night forced the evacuation of more than half the town. Some 17,500 people left their homes, and more than 40 have been hospitalized. The toxic plume that emerged from ironically named Environmental Quality Industrial Services is laced with …

Bern Johnson, environmental lawyer, answers readers’ questions
6 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
If Bern Johnson, head of the Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide, had a million dollars, he says, he’d help lawyers around the world fight climate change and give disadvantaged communities a voice about their futures. As InterActivist this week, Johnson’s also given a voice to readers asking him about using technology …

GAO blames Bush administration for high cost of Biscuit timber salvage
6 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
The Bush administration, not environmental lawsuits, is to blame for the nearly $11 million cost of a logging project that will salvage only $8.8 million worth of timber, says a new study from the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office. After the 2002 Biscuit fire burned almost 500,000 acres in Oregon and …

One of two individuals in DOE’s voluntary emissions program reports in
6 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
The Bush administration is famously committed to voluntary efforts for dealing with greenhouse-gas emissions — to the exclusion of all others. The Department of Energy’s voluntary emissions-reporting program has been joined by some very big players, including Ford, IBM, AT&T, and 220 others. And it’s been joined by two very …

Faulty natural-gas well drowns Indonesian villages in mud and water
6 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
An Indonesian natural-gas well drilled using faulty practices has become a huge human-made disaster. In May, mud began seeping through the unprotected walls of the well at a depth of about 6,000 feet; drillers plugged the well hole, but the pressure of the mud eventually broke through the earth. Geysers …

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schuenemanhttps://tdsenvironmentalmedia.com
Tom is the founder and managing editor of GlobalWarmingisReal.com and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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