BP Oil Spill – The Gulf of Mexico

BP Oil Spill - Image credit: Truthout, courtesy FlickrLatest Reports from the Gulf ( a timeline of some prominent reports from the Gulf):


Special reports from GlobalWarmingisReal editor Tom Schueneman:




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Express your outrage at BP’s negligence

Buy the BP: Big Polluters Sticker and Support Relief Efforts in the Gulf

It is now apparent that BP knowingly acted with reckless disregard to safety and environmental responsibility in the name of profits. The end results have included the deaths of eleven workers, massive destruction to the Gulf of Mexico, birds and animals suffocating under the weight of oil, countless other marine animals now dead and dying, and the eradication of small businesses, livelihoods and jobs along the Gulf region lost forever!

Show your support for the Gulf

50% of each order will go to the Nature Conservancy’s efforts to restore the Gulf.

Single stickers $3.95/ea.

10 Stickers for only $35.00
25 stickers for $75.00
50 stickers for $137.00
100 stickers for $199.00

(Larger orders available at special discount  rates)

For all orders, please add 3.50 for S&H

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