How You Can Still Be a Climate Activist During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has put many goals on hold. Many countries intended to introduce new climate initiatives, conferences and more. But our attention isn’t currently directed toward those concerns — and rightly so. How can we make time for coronavirus and activism? With some dedication, it’s still possible to progress.

Here are a few ways to fight as a climate activist despite COVID-19.

Contribute to Funds

Our communities need help more than ever. If you can’t donate financially, it’s okay to focus your energy on other tasks. Every effort counts. But a small donation can make a significant difference these days. A single contribution to a mutual aid fund could put someone back on their feet — and that’s crucial for climate activism. Those who aren’t wealthy tend to support climate initiatives more than others.

Individuals with less money endure various environmental implications. It’s no coincidence that Black, Latinx and Indigenous communities have experienced disproportionate harm due to the climate and pandemic. Support for less privileged people goes a long way. With more resources, they’ll be able to avoid climate implications — and they’re more likely to become climate activists themselves.

Look for both coronavirus and climate funds so you can uplift those around you.

Keep Learning

The world has slowly started to reopen. In some countries, it’s like life has returned to normal. But many people have continued to spend their time at home when they’re not at work. This extra free time should be a way to further your climate change knowledge. Though you may never be able to educate yourself on every topic, it’s essential to expand your horizons if you want to become a better activist.

Many resources touch on various issues related to climate change. Look into articles and studies you haven’t seen before. You could also investigate some lesser-known ideas. Did you know that worker cooperatives present a more sustainable environment for our population and planet? Think about specific subjects you want to explore. This way, you can be more mindful and aware.

Join Online Discussions

Many climate-related conversations have moved online. Both groups and individuals gather for calls, livestreams, and forums to speak about issues. These opportunities provide an accessible way for activists to continue conversations. You could even use these events as a chance to introduce family and friends to climate activism. It’s a lot easier for people to learn and connect using their computers.

Look on social media for discussions about climate change. Organizations like provide ways to meet with like-minded individuals online. You can start your own virtual talks, too. A simple Twitter thread can lead to helpful dialogue between anyone who’s interested. In any case, it’s essential to be active online when possible.

Advocate at Home

We’re now at home more often, so it’s important to be at-home advocates. Your daily habits should reflect your beliefs. For example, if you don’t have a compost pile, you can take a weekend to create a setup for you and your family. Do you want to try veganism? Go without animal products for a week. There are currently endless opportunities to experiment with eco-friendly actions at home.

You can still spend valuable time outdoors despite COVID-19. As long as you social distance and wear masks, it’s beneficial to be outside. Use your spare time to make your community a more sustainable place. Why not pick up trash at your local park? You could even plant a backyard garden. Do your best to make personal changes so you can further contribute to climate activism.

Use These Ideas to Fight for Change Every Day

You don’t have to attend a protest to be a climate activist. It’s all about small steps you can take every day to create a better world for others. Try these tips to continue your fight against climate change amid coronavirus. Help others learn how to be climate activists during COVID-19.

Emily Folk
Emily Folk
Emily is a freelance conservation and sustainability journalist. based in Lancaster, PA

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