Video Friday: Growing Concern Over Sea Level Rise

From the Yale Climate Forum. Scientists studying the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets express growing concern over the fragility and vulnerability of the world’s ice sheets and the potential impact on sea level rise.

Researchers in Antarctica are using sophisticated equipment to drill down 500 meters below the ice shelf to measure ice loss, temperature, salinity and speed of melt. In one location measured melt rates of more than two inches per day have been observed.

“We still are potentially underestimating the instability of the ice sheets,” cautions Stefan Rahmstorf of Potsdam University in Germany.


Featured image credit: Simon Bisson, courtesy flickr

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schueneman
Tom is the founder and managing editor of and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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