Water Purification to Ensure Health Safety and Save Lives

Water purification ensures healthy people and a healthy environmentBy Stephen Roshy

Water is a prime necessity for survival for all living beings, humans, animals and plants. With limited resources at hand, and water being one of them, we need to take measures to ensure optimal use of water for all purposes.

Clean water from natural water resources is used by many industries and homes, while some are deprived of absolute pure water. For such purposes, to ensure everyone gets clean and pure water, water filtration is important. Moreover, consuming unsafe and unhygienic water can lead to many health hazards; creating skin problems, hair fall, and organ dysfunction etc; if taken for a long period.

Why Use Water Purification System?

Water purification systems are extremely useful as they purify water for drinking purposes and for industrial use. These purification systems remove bacteria from the water that makes it safe to consume in homes and for commercial purposes. If you have a water purification system at home, you don’t have to worry about consuming unsafe water in case of water problems in your vicinity or an oil spill in the sea that can make the water unsafe for drinking or an emergency situation in which the city is unable to provide you with clean water.

Water Purification and Health Safety

Unclean water with bacteria and other components is unsafe for consumption for living beings. According to UNICEF, even short term use of contaminated water, 5 to 8 days, can lead to major long term health problems such as skin diseases, cholera, HIV/AIDS, malaria, typhoid, intestinal worms, trachoma,  etc, while diarrhea being the most common. These diseases are caused due to the use of continuous contaminated water and can be fatal if not treated in time. People with HIV/AIDS are more prone to diseases, so proper care needs to be taken to ensure health safety.

To ensure that people don’t have to suffer from sanitation and water related diseases, it is important to consume filtered water at all times. Even for industries, it is important to recycle and purify water and make it drinkable.

Water Purification and the Environment

Keeping the environment clean and green through water purification can help curtail diseases and problems that become widespread in the environment. The flora and fauna are likely to get affected by contaminated water and thus cause extreme hazards. The importance of water purification comes in to the limelight due to these dire conditions. To keep the environment safe from deteriorating and to ensure it is safe to live in, water purification is of prime importance.

Water Purification can Save Lives

Water purification can help prevent diseases and widespread sanitation related illnesses. It can make the water safe for consumption and save lives. Proper prevention measures, such as water purification, and water treatment on the industrial level can ensure everyone receives pure water for different purposes, drinking, cooking, as part of industrial use, etc.

Many water treatment consultant companies offer consultation and advice for industries for the water purification process. Getting prompt and proper advice can help industries and companies save thousands of dollars and help save lives.


Stephen Roshy is a professional writer and he writes quality and informative content on various topics. Currently he is working for JNB Laboratories. You can find him on Facebook , Twitter and Google+.

Image credit: mcbridejc, courtesy flickr

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schuenemanhttps://tdsenvironmentalmedia.com
Tom is the founder and managing editor of GlobalWarmingisReal.com and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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