GlobalWarmingisReal contributor Anders Hellum-Alexander wraps-up the climate and environmental news headlines for the past week:
- Natural gas companies in Texas are reporting what chemicals they use to frack and how much water they are using.
- NPR explores the idea that cheap natural gas undermines the rise of the renewable energy industry. And don’t forget that natural gas destroys our environment just as much as oil or coal.
- The time has come for BP to face all of the financial dues it has from the Gulf Oil Spill, will there be a long court battle or just a huge payout?
- An oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has been leaking oil, slow and steady, for seven years.
- Now oil prices are going down. But prices were up long enough for Exxon to increase its profits.
- The Atlantic Sturgeon is now officially listed as an Endangered Species, this means that the fish now has the power to disrupt any business activity in its habitat.
- Republicans are trying to decrease the use of environmental reviews for transportation projects.
- The GM Vol electric car has not been selling well in the US. But, in Europe small electric cares are popular.
- Cities are returning to planning around pedestrians instead of cars, creating more walkable, pleasant neighborhoods.
- The next step beyond Wi-Fi is coming, its called Li-Fi.
- Some Americans see a “U.N. plot” in simple sustainability measures like pesky bike lanes and smart meters. It’s slippery in the fringe.