GlobalWarmingisReal contributor Anders Hellum-Alexander wraps-up the climate and environmental news headlines for the past week:
- Apple is one of today’s most popular brands. Unfortunately, Apple’s environmental and human rights record sucks.
- And for the meat eaters in our society, here is some info that might make you think again about eating cheap meat.
- Is there any organization in the USA that is more equipped to deal with global warming than the US Federal Government?
- The developing world has the opportunity to use the advances of the developed world to skip oil, coal and natural gas and go straight to using solar.
- The development of solar technology is taking off, this development of the day will further decrease the cost of solar.
- Renewable energy is under-supported by the federal government, for it to survive it needs government support, this would “level the playing field” in the energy industry.
- Solar is everywhere – if you live on the California coast.
- You know Obama is a centrist when he comes out in support of the natural gas Industry, which we should really call the Dirty Gas Industry. Obama supports energy development, both dirty and renewable. And jobs will be created by both efforts.
- China seeks to control the global supply of raw materials, they are being very successful.
- The air quality in China is terrible, and the people have started to record and publish their own monitoring results.
- BP will carry the sole financial responsibility for the Gulf Oil Spill. BP was unable to shift any blame to Transocean,
- In its typically awkward fashion on such issues, FoxNews discuss the Gulf Oil Spill and the vast increase of US government spending on the restoration effort.
- Oil prices are poised to go up up up.
- Plastic is breaking down in our environment into little pieces that can further infiltrate our lives.
- A minute detail in the interpretation of the Endangered Species Act by the Obama administration makes it more difficult for endangered species to get listed and protected.