Decoupling Resource Consumption from Economic Growth and Human Prosperity

The United Nations Environmental Program projects that aggregate natural resource consumption could triple from current levels by 2050 to an average total of 140 billion tons of ores, minerals, biomass, and fossil fuels per year. The report warns, “The prospect of much higher resource consumption levels is far beyond what is likely sustainable and calls on governments to decouple economic growth from the rapid rate of resource consumption.”

With the world population expected to reach nine billion-plus people by mid-century and rising prosperity in developing countries, the report says it is essential to “realize that prosperity and well-being do not depend on consuming ever-greater quantities of resources.” The UNEP said there are growing shortages of crucial raw materials, including oil, copper, and gold. As these resources become rarer, extracting what is available will require more fuel and water.

Decoupling Resource Consumption from Economic Growth

The report suggests that decoupling does not mean stopping growth but learning to do more with less, especially in the developed world. Achim Steiner, head of UNEP, says that rich countries find a way to freeze per capita consumption to alleviate the environmental destruction from uncontrolled consumption rates, avoid runaway prices, and avoid increased global conflict.

“Decoupling makes sense on all the economic, social, and environmental dials,” Steiner told the Daily Telegraph. People believe environmental ads” are the price we must pay for economic goods.”

Redefining Human Prosperity

In his book Prosperity Without Growth, Tim Jackson lays a foundation for coming to grips with the unsustainability of current rates of consumption, calling into question the false dichotomy between environmental stewardship and economic growth and redefining the idea of human prosperity:

“The prevailing vision of prosperity as a continually expanding economic paradise has come unraveled,” Jackson writes. “Perhaps it worked better when economics were smaller, and the world was less populated. But if it was ever fully fit for purpose, it certainly isn’t now.

“Climate change, ecological degradation, and the specter of resource scarcity compound the problems of failing financial markets and economic recession. Short-term fixes to prop up a bankrupt system aren’t good enough. Something more is needed. An essential starting point is to establish a coherent notion of prosperity that doesn’t rely on default assumptions about consumption growth.”

“Only through a serious reexamination of the basis of human prosperity in relation to resource consumption will the world be able to balance the growing aspirations of more and more people. As economies in the developing world grow, they are in a position to align their growth within principals of sustainability. At the same time, rich nations will need to aggressively decouple their economic growth from increasing rates of resource extraction and consumption. The balance is only achieved when the seemingly disparate needs of both worlds find common ground within the limits of the one world we all inhabit.” Many may see the choice as a zero-sum game – winning comes at the loss of another. But if winning is defined as prosperity now and for future generations, then pitting winners against losers is the road to ruin.

“At the heart of the book lies a very simple question,” writes Jackson in his book. “what can prosperity possibly look like in a finite world, with limited resources and a population expected to exceed 9 billion people within decades? Do we have a decent vision of prosperity for such a world? Is this vision credible in the face of available evidence about ecological limits? How do we go about turning vision into reality?”

First Steps of a Decoupled Economy

The UNEP report states that some decoupling of growth from consumption rates has already started. World gross domestic product rose by a factor of 23 through the 20th century, with resource use only rising by a factor of eight. Urbanization and an increasing focus on sustainable urban development are lowering per capita consumption—but it isn’t enough, the UNEP warns. Current decoupling is relative and “at a rate that is insufficient to meet the needs of an equitable and sustainable society,” the report said.

The UNEP urges “significant changes” in government policy, corporate behavior, and individual consumer demands. Whether that happens or not does not reduce the inevitability of significant change in the coming decades.

The world our children will inhabit will not look like the one in which we now live, just as the world I was born into fifty-two years ago could only imagine what has now come to pass in the early 21st century. If change is assured, the choice is not to stop it but to guide it toward sustainable growth and prosperity for the whole human endeavor.

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schueneman
Tom is the founder and managing editor of and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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