GlobalWarmingisReal contributor Anders Hellum-Alexander wraps-up the climate and environmental news headlines for the past week:
- I had sushi for lunch, and its always an internal conflict. Which fish should I eat? Should I not eat any fish at all because the fish of the ocean are going extinct, or should I eat a little while they are still available? At least I know to not eat Blue Fin Tuna.
- Finally! We are starting to rethink cars. Spark plugs could use laser technology which would greatly decrease their environmental impact.
- America is watching Japan’s Nuclear crises closely. A new report obtained by the New York Times reveals America’s concern that the situation is not being dealt with safely.
- The Queen’s government has decided to relocate and kill all Monk Parrots in England. The issue of invasive species is interesting; are these species doing damage that they should not be doing, or are they just changing our environment in a way that we disagree with?
- Apple apparently uses more coal power than its peers in the technology industry.Tsk Tsk Tsk Apple. They use more coal power than their peers and introduce new gadgets to the market that use lots of rare earth metals that take quite a toll on our environment during the extraction process. As you can see, I am not the biggest fan, yet still a consumer, oh ecohypocrasy how I do adore thee.
- The Guardian presents rankings of countries and their CO2 emissions. Do not be fooled though, the main statistic to look at is historical emissions, of which the US has 28.8 percent. China may emit a lot of CO2 now, but they are number two on the list for historical emissions and they have only emitted 9 percent of all CO2 emissions ever emitted.
- Bioremediation – the use of microorganisms to remove pollution. We can clean up our dirty activities with fungi and then eat the mushroom. Does that gross you out though?
- The transportation of water is highly inefficient with much of the water just leaking out. As clean, fresh water becomes more scarce and valuable, humans are now willing to invest in a better infrastructure so that our water doesn’t just leak away.