GlobalWarmingisReal contributor Anders Hellum-Alexander wraps-up the climate and environmental news headlines for the past week:
- Much of the costs for energy sources like petroleum (oil) and nuclear are paid not with money, but with the health of our families as our kids get asthma or exposure to nuclear radiation. The New York Times updates us on Japan’s current situation with their nuclear meltdown, and yet another oil spill, this time in the South Atlantic.
- MotherJones covers nuclear energy and provides a historical perspective of the industry.
- Technology Review covers corn-based-ethanol as a substitute for petroleum and its impact on world food prices.
- Scientists are developing processes to turn agricultural plant waste into fuel for our cars using microbes.
- The Guardian provides 12 tips for increase fuel efficiency without buying a new car.
- The journey towards the center of the earth beings this spring. Scientists are drilling for rock samples well below the ocean floor near Costa Rica.
- SolarWorld is making panels in Oregon and California with increased efficiency and production ability. As our panels perform better we approach grid parity.