Environmental News Wrap: Cancun Ends on a High Note; the Clean Air Act Turns 40, and more…

The latest environmental news headlinesGlobalWarmingisReal contributor Anders Hellum-Alexander wraps-up the climate and environmental news headlines for the past week:

The COP16 UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico has concluded with an agreement that improves on past agreements. Although, the agreement still does not save us from Climate Catastrophe.

The Guardian summarizes the agreement struck in Cancun:

  • All countries to cut emissions
  • Payments for countries who avoid deforestation and conserve nature
  • Finance deal to provide $30bn for developing countries to adapt to climate change now, and potentially up to $100bn later.
  • A new UN climate fund to be run mostly by developing countries
  • Easier transfer of low carbon technology and expertise to poor countries
  • China, the US and other major emitters to have their economies inspected
  • Scientific review of progress after five years

Many people are flying home for the holidays, spewing pollutants right to the place where they can do the most atmospheric damage. But, sites like CarbonFund.org provide us with ways to make up for our environmentally harmful lifestyles. It only takes $11.33 to offset a 6,000 mile plane trip according to CarbonFund.

The Clean Air Act celebrates 40 years of life. The Environmental Defense Fund highlights the event. Poke around their website and see what EDF is doing for you and your environment.

As we move into the era of electric vehicles we are still developing the best battery to power the EV. MIT’s Technology Review reports.

A town in Sweden has diversified its energy economy to no longer be reliant on fossil fuels. Their main effort has been to turn waste products into energy sources, thus creating a cyclical economy instead of one solely based on extraction and disposal.

TheWeek provides a summary of the availability of oil in the coming decades.

The wolf is being introduced back into its American territory with the help of a process called Collaborative Resource Management. CRM is where all interested bodies organize to agree on an issue. In the case of the Wolf it took environmentalist, ranchers, governmental bodies, land owners and more.

Humans are concentrating in urban environments as the natural world degrades, giving rise to ideas like urban Vertical farming. We can produce a lot of food, efficiently at the place of consumption.

In a new study, overeating is directly linked to a greater chance of cancer. Our health industry uses massive amounts of resources; the less we use it the more environmental we are. An Environmental society is a healthy society.

Plastic bottles can now be reused to make cement. From this development many more may come. If we have billions of these bottles literally lying around we should definitely be developing ways to reuse them.

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