Chris Mooney is the author of Unscientific America, a Washington correspondent for Seed magazine, and a senior correspondent for The American Prospect. Monney focuses on issues concerning the interplay of science and politics and is also the author of the bestselling book The Republican War on Science.
Chris co-authors the blog The Intersection, which received the Scientific American 2005 Science and Technology web award, saying that “science is lucky to have such a staunch ally in acclaimed journalist Chris Mooney.”
The following video is an interview of Mooney by, at the COP15 climate conference last month in Copenhagen.
A more in-depth discussion with Chris at the Common Wealth Club is available from
Hello Chris,
I only saw a small amount of the Talking Heads TV show the other night however I goggled you as I was so excited.
Wow, I was giving up hope that others were wondering about no or misinformation regarding the planet and science. I am a 55 year old grandmother and only in the last 5 or so years (in some clarity) about evaluation of our species and our planet and it motivate me beyond words. The down side is that now I see I am frustrated and terrified. Our world is being destroyed before a majority of its people ever get to know it and we have never been free to make informed choices.
Our community library will not allow such information as its purchasing committee are devout Christian, even Harry Potter got banned.
I run a free community lending library and show DVDs on this and other controversial subjects to all who wish to attend.
Any direction you can send me in to access more FACTUAL material to share would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Robyn,
Thanks for your comment. I posted Chris Mooney’s video, but he doesn’t blog from here, but if there is anyway I can get your message to him, I will.
You can search “COP15” here and find some more information about what happened. I was there as well and came away, as most others did, disappointed.
I’m sorry to hear that your local library doesn’t have information about sustainability, climate, and environmental issues. It is most discouraging because it seems from you comment that is based on a purely misguided ideological reasoning.
There are many sources of information. One good place to start is a series of videos on YouTube from “wonderingmind42” He’s a high school science teacher and I think he’s done an excellent job laying out the science and risk scenarios in addressing climate change. Though he is obviously of the opinion that climate change is a serious issue, he leaves it open to the viewer to come to their own conclusions. Anyway, the series of videos he has produced provide a very solid foundation for understanding what is at stake and what we face.