Talking to a Global Warming Skeptic

Yep, there’s those pesky quotes around the word “skeptic” again (read the previous post to find out why).

You may consider yourself one, or you may be tired of fielding the same tired line from a “skeptic” close to you.

I’ve found the perfect resource for all of you from
A well organized listing of just about every possible argument we’ve all heard from our “skeptical” friends, so the next time you find yourself repeating for the hundredth time why scientists already know that water vapor is the most common and abundant greenhouse gas, or that the climate on Mars really isn’t a factor in considering the climate here on Earth, or that the whole thing is simply a “hoax” is perhaps what you’d expect to hear from a senator with an agenda, but not a scientist (and much, much more), all you need to do is send them here:
How to Talk to a Climate “Skeptic”

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schueneman
Tom is the founder and managing editor of and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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  1. Global warming isn’t happening in the first place because you have to consider the whole world instead of just one part of the world. For example in the Antarctic Peninsula, the Larsen B ice shelf has been steadily melting over the past few years. Now many people can say that this is because of global warming, but the problem with this is that the west Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet has been thickening over the past few years.

  2. Mark – before you avail us of why global warming isn’t happening, I invite you to follow the link in this post. If you have a new argument, feel free to let us know what it is.

    Thanks for your comments.



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