Australia to fully phase out incandescent bulbs by 2010
20 Feb 2007 at 11:02am
In a world first, Australia will officially make the switch away from incandescent bulbs. Environment Minister Malcolm Turnbull said today that the country would phase out inefficient lighting over the next three years, reducing greenhouse-gas emissions hundreds of thousands of tons a year and cutting household lighting costs up to …
My presidential platform calls for clean air and no war — what about yours?
20 Feb 2007 at 11:02am
You heard it here first: former California environmental adviser Terry Tamminen has declared his presidential candidacy. And so can you! It’s as easy as saying so, and outlining a platform to run on. Tamminen’s priorities are getting troops out of Iraq and eliminating oil subsidies; with the money saved, he’d …
Fighting the new defeatism on climate change
20 Feb 2007 at 11:02am
In Beltway media circles, among pundits who nod at one another with furrowed brows on cable TV, a new consensus is congealing: global warming is real, but there’s not much we can do about it, since efforts to substantially reduce emissions would destroy the world economy. These bed-wetters are waving …
Leading science organization takes a stand on climate change
20 Feb 2007 at 11:02am
For the first time, the influential American Association for the Advancement of Science has weighed in on climate change. The verdict: it’s bad. “The scientific evidence is clear,” says a statement issued this weekend by the association, which publishes the journal “Science”. “Global climate change caused by human activities is …
David Feld, director of GeesePeace, InterActivates
20 Feb 2007 at 11:02am
They may be called Canada geese, but many Branta canadensis are born and bred in the U.S. — and, often as not, they’re not made welcome. A conflict in his own neighborhood led David Feld to start GeesePeace, a nonprofit organization that advises communities on how to humanely deal with …