Environmental News: Environmental News from Grist

Report questions whether many U.S. cities will meet Kyoto targets
11 Jan 2007 at 12:01pm
The carbon-reduction blame game isn’t limited to the federal level: nearly 360 U.S. mayors vowed that their cities would meet Kyoto Protocol standards, but a sampling of 10 cities reveals that they are not on track to accomplish their goals, according to a new report. The mayors involved in the …

Six decades after World War II, Nazi U-boat poses threat to Norway
11 Jan 2007 at 12:01pm
What’s scarier than a Nazi U-boat slinking along your shores? A Nazi U-boat sunk along your shores, with 65 tons of mercury still inside. In coastal Norway, residents are keeping a wary eye on a 62-year-old casualty of war that could pose a whole new danger. With time and seawater …

Washington school board puts a moratorium on “An Inconvenient Truth”
11 Jan 2007 at 12:01pm
First sex, now science? What will they tell the kids about next? The parents of a high-schooler in Federal Way, Wash., have complained to the district’s school board about a teacher’s plan to screen Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”, and the board has put a moratorium on the film. “Condoms …

It’s official: 2006 was warmest year ever for the contiguous U.S.
11 Jan 2007 at 12:01pm
In 2006, the contiguous U.S. experienced its warmest year since records began in 1895 (also the year of the first volleyball game — who knew?). Every state in the Lower 48 had average temperatures above, well, average; New Jersey hit its highest temperature ever. The U.S. also logged its fourth-warmest …

China had a cruddy eco-year, still sees big picture more clearly than the U.S.
11 Jan 2007 at 12:01pm
In China, officials are assessing their 2006 eco-successes. The short version: there were none. The somewhat longer version: the country saw a pollution-related accident roughly every two days. Officials got 600,000 environmental complaints, 30 percent more than in 2005. Goals to improve efficiency by 4 percent and cut emissions by …

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schuenemanhttps://tdsenvironmentalmedia.com
Tom is the founder and managing editor of GlobalWarmingisReal.com and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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