ExxonMobil Accused of Using Big Tobacco Tactics on Global Warming – Environme…
5 Jan 2007 at 11:48pm
ExxonMobil Accused of Using Big Tobacco Tactics on
Global Warming
Environment News Service –
15 hours ago
"ExxonMobil has manufactured uncertainty about the human causes of
global warming
just as tobacco companies denied their product caused lung cancer," said
Scientists say Exxon Mobil misinforms public on
global warming
Column: Alarmists ignore peril of
global warming
Terre Haute Tribune Star
An Inconvenient Truth #2: Guess Who's In Denial?
Watching the Watchers.org
all 231 news articles
Scientists predict 2007 will be hottest year yet – Contra Costa Times
6 Jan 2007 at 6:05am
Scientists predict 2007 will be hottest year yet
Contra Costa Times, CA –
8 hours ago
"The short-term effects of
global warming
on crop production are very uneven," said Daniel Hillel, a researcher at Columbia University's Center for Climate
Return of El Nino,
global warming
, prompt forecast
Winnipeg Free Press
2007 El Nino Pushing Superheated Globe to New Record
Environment News Service
all 472 news articles
Ancient global warming was jarring, not subtle, study finds (Sun-Sentinel)
6 Jan 2007 at 2:02pm
Foreshadowing potential climate chaos to come, early global warming caused unexpectedly severe and erratic temperature swings as rising levels of greenhouse gases helped transform Earth, a team led by researchers at UC Davis said Thursday.
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