Enviros hope to make gains with gubernatorial races in key states
20 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D) has chalked up a respectable environmental record in a state where the chief industry — auto making — isn’t known for its eco-friendliness. She’s now locked in a tough race for reelection against Dick DeVos (R), a conservative multimillionaire who’s funded right-wing think tanks with …
Marine “dead zones” on the rise around the world
20 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
There are now at least 200 oxygen-starved “dead zones” in the world’s seas and oceans, a rise of more than a third over the past two years, the United Nations Environment Program announced yesterday. The algae blooms that suck up oxygen and cause dead zones — killing off or driving …
List ranks top ten most polluted spots on earth
20 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
Looking for that perfect vacation getaway, where you and that special someone can recapture the magic by going into acute respiratory distress together? Look no further: The Blacksmith Institute has released a list of the 10 most polluted spots on earth. Chernobyl in Ukraine is the best known on the …
Cheri Sugal, defender of a Mexican rainforest, answers readers’ questions
20 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
Each jaguar needs about 3,700 acres of healthy habitat in order to survive, says Friends of Calakmul director Cheri Sugal. As InterActivist this week, Sugal chats with readers about how important large tracts of contiguous land are for these big cats, what’s being done to protect jaguars along the U.S.-Mexico …
Ozone hole biggest, deepest on record
20 Oct 2006 at 2:10pm
This year’s ozone hole is bigger and deeper than any other on record, NASA scientists said yesterday. From Sept. 21 to Sept. 30, the ozone hole sprawled to an average of 10.6 million square miles. That’s pretty big, alright: approximately the surface area of North America plus Argentina. In the …
I would like to learn about global warming