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What the West’s only communist country is doing right

9 Aug 2006 at 1:08pm

Last week, as news broke that legendary Cuban leader Fidel Castro had undergone surgery and temporarily transferred power to his brother, writers around the world scrambled to pen premature eulogies of the man and the communist state he oversaw — oops, oversees! Erica Gies takes a different tack, exploring the …

Investment money pours into the green-tech sector

9 Aug 2006 at 1:08pm

Investors are ga-ga for green. In 2005, clean energy projects in the U.S. were showered with $17 billion in investment money, up 89 percent from 2004. Just in 2005, the worldwide market for carbon credits blossomed from essentially nothing to around $11 billion. And these are not just do-gooders: public …

Umbra on eco-friendly tents

9 Aug 2006 at 1:08pm

We can’t think of anything we like better, after a long, strenuous hike across unforgiving ground, than falling into a deep slumber on that same unforgiving ground. Oh wait, yes we can. But some of you think this “camping” thing is fun, and wonder whether there’s any way to color …

Temporary deal struck to prop up rural funding amid logging-revenue decline

9 Aug 2006 at 1:08pm

What happens if you make funding for rural schools and roads dependent on revenues from a declining resource industry? What’s that you say? Nobody would be stupid enough to do that? Ha ha. Readers, meet the federal government. A federal program that had tied rural funding to logging revenue led, …

India dam project still hot issue after more than 20 years

9 Aug 2006 at 1:08pm

For citizens of India, debate over dams is soap-operatic. Take the saga of the country’s still-unfinished Sardar Sarovar dam. It has everything: protests, riots, hunger strikes, and long, protracted court battles. Proponents of the $7.7 billion dam on the Narmada River claim that, when completed, it will produce megawatts upon …

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schueneman
Tom is the founder and managing editor of and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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