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Photo in the News: “Global Warming Beer” Taps Melting Arctic Ice (National Ge…

3 Aug 2006 at 2:28pm

Don’t let global warming kill your buzz. Canny entrepreneurs have unveiled a new beer brewed with water from Greenland’s melting glaciers.

Pat Robertson converts ? to ‘global warming’ (WorldNet Daily)

3 Aug 2006 at 9:43pm

Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson has jumped into the growing chasm between evangelicals divided over the issue of global warming.

‘Climate porn’ blamed for global warming ‘despair’ (Guardian Unlimited)

3 Aug 2006 at 9:04pm

Government and media organisations were today accused of undermining efforts to tackle global warming by using alarmist language that amounts to “climate porn”.

Heatwave convinces global warming doubter (News Interactive)

3 Aug 2006 at 9:02pm

CONSERVATIVE Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson has said the wave of scorching temperatures across the United States has converted him into a believer in global warming.

CA Researchers Receive Global Warming Grant (KABC-TV Los Angeles)

3 Aug 2006 at 7:01pm

California researchers have received a $4.5 million federal grant to study how global warming could affect public health and track heat-related deaths and emergency-room visits, state officials said.

Thomas Schueneman
Thomas Schueneman
Tom is the founder and managing editor of and the PlanetWatch Group. His work appears in Triple Pundit, Slate, Cleantechnia, Planetsave, Earth911, and several other sustainability-focused publications. Tom is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

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