Brokaw tackles global warming issue on Discovery (Louisville Courier-Journal)
14 Jul 2006 at 4:46am
Al Gore’s documentary “An Inconvenient Truth,” which is about global warming, has some critics accusing him of using the subject as a platform on which to run for president again. They are suspicious that the topic is a liberal plot of some sort. So will they believe Tom Brokaw?
Brokaw program on Discovery fuels global warming debate (Pittsburgh Post-Gaze…
13 Jul 2006 at 11:07pm
Tom Brokaw is giving Al Gore some company in the effort to raise awareness of global warming. The former NBC anchorman is host of “Global Warming: What You Need to Know,” which doubles as an explainer and call to action for average Americans. It premieres 9 p.m. Sunday on the Discovery Channel.
Global warming – don?t accelerate a natural process (Fayette County Review)
13 Jul 2006 at 10:20am
Everyone knows that we are expecting a period of global warming. That is an indisputable fact. What is not as factual is the degree, or amount of warming we are presently experiencing, and the relationship of the present degree of global warming to geologic time.
Brokaw joins battle against global threat (Sun-Sentinel)
15 Jul 2006 at 2:07am
Tom Brokaw is giving Al Gore some company in the effort to raise awareness of global warming.
Animal adaptation to global warming (Clarion News)
13 Jul 2006 at 7:41am
When I wrote the last column about global warming, I promised more. Animals and plants must adapt to climate changes or succumb to them. Adaptation might include moving as well as changing behavioral or physiological parameters. |