Judge temporarily restricts Navy’s sonar use to protect whales
5 Jul 2006 at 1:07pm
The U.S. Navy is temporarily forbidden to use high-intensity sonar in war-game exercises off the coast of Hawaii, a federal judge declared on Monday. She ruled that environmental groups had provided “considerable convincing scientific evidence that the Navy’s use of … sonar can kill, injure, and disturb many species, including …
A chat with freshwater experts Peter Gleick and William K. Reilly
5 Jul 2006 at 1:07pm
The world’s freshwater systems are in crisis, bedeviled by everything from global warming to good old-fashioned corruption. Though energy gets all the attention (energy, you vixen!), water may well be the sleeper environmental issue of the 21st century. Peter Gleick, head of the Pacific Institute, and William K. Reilly, ex-EPA …
European Parliament calls for jet-fuel tax to curb enviro impact of flying
5 Jul 2006 at 1:07pm
The European Parliament has voted in favor of a jet-fuel tax to help offset the environmental impact of air travel. The consumer cost of the fuel tax would be up to about $75 per roundtrip flight within Europe. Also, as the European Union considers making airlines join the Union-wide cap-and-trade …
Umbra on old clothes
5 Jul 2006 at 1:07pm
You love your old “Virginia Is for Lovers” T-shirt, but that hole in the armpit isn’t getting any smaller. So what are you supposed to do with old clothes and shoes you can’t give to Goodwill with a straight face? Advice maven Umbra Fisk tries on a few ideas for …
Climate change may lead to more earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
5 Jul 2006 at 1:07pm
Geologists are concerned about the seismic repercussions of disappearing glaciers, noting that the sheer weight of the humongous blocks of ice helps to keep the earth in place. Glacial melting and the reduction of that weight may release pent-up pressure in the planet’s crust, leading to earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic … |